Feel the Music
A couple weekends ago we were having dinner in La Centerra. We can't leave this place without getting ice cream. Isla got ice cream there once upon a time, so now she thinks every time that we go back she is supposed to get ice cream there... some things are just easier.
As we were walking over to the ice cream store, we noticed that there was a concert going on in the middle of the square. It turns out that MD Anderson was putting on a concert for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Isla was especially interested in the glowing pink necklaces that everyone had. Isla followed every person who was handing out pink necklaces until she had amassed five. That apparently was the magic number, and she allowed herself to have fun. Dancing and ice cream - the perfect end to a Friday night.
Isla seemed truly at home under all the pink spot lights.
And Holden started his childhood addiction to ice cream.
It was a great surprise to our Friday evening-celebrating a wonderful cause with family and neighbors.